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Jennifer Turnbull | Jailhouse Pottery


Jennifer has been a ceramic artist for over 30 years, gaining a Diploma of Fine Arts (Ceramics) 1990. She tutors for Otago Polytechnic School of Fine Arts, as a distance tutor/supervisor of the Diploma of Arts and Design (Ceramics). She also runs specialised workshops around the country. Her work has won many awards and is in collections here and overseas.

Jennifer works from her home studio, and fires in electric, pit, gas, and wood/diesel salt & soda kilns, on and off site. Her work is mainly vessel based, focusing on high fired domestic ware. She uses a combination of making techniques, mostly wheel thrown. Throughout the year, she focuses on collections of works, either for exhibitions or commissions. Alongside making domestic ware, she makes one-off pieces for display and the gardens.

Kāpiti Coast Art Trail, an annual open studio event held on the first two weekends in November and Ceramicsnz on 23rd&24th November. Work is on display in the studio and in large garden, during November.Visitors may also visit by appointment.


3, Iti Street, Ōtaki Town, Ōtaki, Kāpiti Coast District, Wellington, 5512, New Zealand

Contact Information

3, Iti Street, Ōtaki Town, Ōtaki, Kāpiti Coast District, Wellington, 5512, New Zealand
Postal code